Monday, January 9, 2012

" I made a resolve that I was going to amount to something if I could."

This week I would like to speak to those of you who have a “little dream”. 
I don’t know maybe you want to open up your own little local shop or make a living selling crafts. Nothing big, you just want to do what you love and share it with people.
  And that is why I have chosen this week’s dreamer.

  At the age of forty Harland Sanders had held many jobs, including: steamboat pilot, insurance salesman, railroad fireman and farmer. But a love of cooking that he acquired when he was just six because his father had died and his mother had to work, taught Sanders how to cook meals for the family especially their favorite, Fried chicken. And this is where this unique dreamer’s story unfolds.

Sanders believed in a strong work ethic and in his years of work had saved up enough money to purchase a little gas station that he and his wife and two daughters ran together as a family.
  To generate more income Sanders served customers in his adjacent living quarters. His local popularity grew, and Sanders moved to a motel and 142 seat restaurant, he called Harland Sanders Court and cafe. This was in 1930 around the time of depression but Sanders Over the next nine years continued to develop his "secret recipe" for frying chicken.
His recipe became so notable that Sanders was named a Kentucky Colonel in 1935 by Governor Ruby Laffoon .This would give the famous chicken maker his signature name Colonel Sanders.

Soon after the restaurant burned to the ground.
 But Colonel Sanders pressed on and rebuilt the restaurant.
It was later after this recovery in the early 1950's, a new interstate that was in the works caused a great loss in business, forcing Sanders to retire and sell his restaurant.
    After paying off his debt he was left with no money and nothing to show for his labor of love.
. So there in his rocking chair a man at sixty five years of age whose dreams appeared to be short lived leaving him nothing but the mere memory, penniless, and siting on his front porch waiting for his first Social Security check in the amount of a meager $105.00.

But this friend is truly the beginning of Colonel Harland Sander’s story and the man you will have remember.
         It was with his first social security check in 1952, Sanders devoted himself to franchising his chicken business. He said that "he had over a thousand people turn him down" as He traveled across the country.

         Interesting enough he met and guided Dave Thomas who would later open up his own fast food restaurant named after his daughter Wendy. Dave says what he learned most from Sanders is the importance of integrity and hard work.

    With the success of the ever growing franchise Sanders at the age of seventy five traveled over half a million miles a year marketing the famous recipe. Sanders said “To some it was just chicken but for me, I made a resolve that I was going to amount to something if I could. And no hours, nor amount of labor, nor amount of money would deter me from giving the best that there was in me. And I have done that ever since.”

             Today KFC is the world’s largest in terms of system units with over 37,000 in more than 110 countries and territories.
     Sanders story is one that truly proves that determination and confidence is the key elements in growing a dream.
   I am proud to say that he also shared his fortune with charities saying this- There’s no reason to be the richest man in the cemetery. You can't do any business from there. – Colonel Harland Sanders
So this week I want you to dig deep and find the confidence and determination to make whatever size dream you have become a reality .

                                      You can and you will do all that you dream - Angela Short


  1. Very interesting story Angela....I did not know about the ties between Mr. Sanders & Dave Thomas(wendys Founder). I've told you before about my Musia dreams from my past. This year part of that dream will become a reality as we release our first full length CD! We are putting together plans on marketing and selling our material! Keep Dreaming my friend! Sammy

  2. I'm so excited for you Sam and can't wait till its available. I bet it's gonna be awsome!where can people purchase it when its ready?
